Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Typing benefits as observed by me recently

This blog is not based on how to improve typing but that how can we apply our skills on something that really matter.

I am recently following competitive programming on different platforms. My observations on these sites made me think to write something about it. I'm talking here about the implementation of codes in competitive programming contests where the time of submission matter a lot in deciding the overall standings.

You can follow the links below,
Google's CodeJam
And, the list is inexhaustible.

On these platforms, a problem gets submission as soon as within 2-5 minutes of release, guess how?
Do they use pre-written codes with some modifications while submission?
- Maybe yes, since logic gets repeated in competitive programming.
But most of the times, the pro programmer reads the problem statement and implements it within minutes to be at the top of the list.

Here in the implementation part is crucial, where it is decided who will win the race. He/she uses their control on keyboard to get the code written so fast. As a good programmer and implementer of problems into code, they have gradually became good at typing as well.
Their typing skills help them a lot in getting a decent rank.

Maybe, in upcoming blogs, I will share some more, good competitive programming sites as well as some coding competitions on which you can try your coding skills, plus your grip on the keyboard.
By the way, "Programming is thinking, not typing".

Monday, May 11, 2020

Learn to type- Part IV- Maintain Consistency

We all have the story about the The Rabbit and the Turtle, aren't we?

The story that gives the most basic moral in life to be successful i.e., to be consistent. But the question here is "Are we really consistent?". In most basic sense, most of us are really consistent in making mistakes.

Lets get back to our original topic for what this blog is meant for and what am I really referring in the previous para. Whenever someone start to learn typing, in the back of his/her mind he/she just thinks of the speed. His/her focus lies only on the speed which is not an easy task to achieve.
By seeing others typing at a speed which is pro or advanced, we get discouraged very early by seeing our progress(except a few who takes it as a motivation). If I made any mistakes above, you may correct me in the comment section.

We are always concerned about the speed. But I said in earlier blogs that the main key to typing is not speed, accuracy is! Try to be consistent with accuracy. Try to achieve more than 95% accuracy every time you type. Speed will come on its way if accuracy is achieved. It is a matter of time. The more you practice with consistency and accuracy, the faster you will achieve the title of Touch Typist.

Very well said above, "Slow and steady wins the Race".