Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What is Typing!

In a developing country like India, students don't know the exact meaning of term Typing. Most of the schools and colleges have got computers but there is no one to teach how to give input using keyboard correctly. In a world where Information Technology is leading from the front nowadays, it becomes compulsory for anyone interested in it to be able to satisfy its basic needs.
before learning how to type
Before: Hand and Peck method
Most people use hunt and peck method to type, i.e., they use only two fingers to type by usually finding the keys by sight. The true meaning of typing goes something like this: "The Action or Skill of Writing something by means of Typewriter or Computer". Here, computer simply stands for Keyboard.
after learning how to type
After: A touch typist using 9 to 10 fingers
It is good practice, to type using 9 to 10 fingers. Try to do online courses available. There are several offline typing tutor available. Don't give up and find a reason to learn the correct way to type. It may be annoying at first but I guarantee you all that it'll be advantageous in long run.

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