Friday, June 5, 2020

Learn to type- Part V- Do not compare yourself

Let's make a motivational post.
You are your own competitor.(Be competitive)
Try to beat yourself.
Be it accuracy or speed, you need to type better than the previous day. Increase your difficulty of typing on every coming day and you would feel the difference soon(Don't lose that consistency).

No one can beat you, when you can beat yourself.
Typing is a skill and you're the skill maker.
A mentor has 10% involvement in your success and you are the owner of rest 90%. Try to make it 190%. Try to motivate yourself, by playing music in background, thinking the best moments of your life and you would feel like you are working in heaven with peace in mind.
Just you. No one else. You're your own competition. Remember how ...

Do not be in a rush, slow and steady wins the race(maintain accuracy and consistency).
Do not follow the path, make your own path(do some experiments while typing, be comfortable with fingers). Create your own typing style, if possible. Type as comfortably as you would, maintaining the posture(to prevent any injury).

Every touch typist have gone through these state of mind and you are not an exception.
Do not compare yourself with others, as skill making is not a competition.