Monday, October 8, 2018

Learn to Type- Part III- Be Competitive

Now it is important that apart from practicing we need to test ourselves with the society.

How well others are doing?
Am I going in the right direction to achieve the speed and accuracy?
Am I ever going to type a piece of text at the speed professional typists do?
And many more questions like this will arise as you progress.

To be up to date with your performance, you have to choose a local guide like Typing Master. There are a whole lot of typing software to be downloaded for free. These software will keep track of your performance and directs you what should be done after each task or lesson.
Now the next task is to find one or more(depends on you) website which will test your typing speed and accuracy with other typists in the world. Some of sites you can try for free are as listed below:

Now these are only some of them. You can always find many more sites like this. And as a guest you can try them. If you find anything productive in them, just continue.
Practicing online may be encouraging or discouraging, depends on your experience
Just remember you will enjoy something only when you realize that "I am going to learn something new out of it, today".
Typing can not be learned instantly. Its your practice and techniques which will help you to be good touch typist.

Skills are learned but are tested in Competitions.

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