Saturday, September 29, 2018

Learn to Type- Part II- Know the Basics

Many of us find it very boring to learn the basics of touch typing which will help us to write the piece of text more accurately and faster. Therefore I am just going to make a few points to be held in mind while trying a hands on the keyboard.

In the most basic position, your fingers should rest on the middle row of the keyboard – also called the “home row”. The home row is the base from which all other keys can be reached.
Left hand fingers on keys A S D F and Right hand fingers on keys J K L ;
You can use any of your thumbs for the space bar, but stick with it. Never use both thumbs.

Keep Your Eyes on the Monitor
Try as much as you can not to peek at the keyboard while typing.
Keep Wrists Up
Keep your wrists up and straight while typing. This will prevent any kind of strain or injury.
Say the letters
Saying the letters in the mind will help to memorize the key positions and type accurately.
Relaxed Posture
Sit up straight, elbows close to the body. Relaxed arms and shoulder will avoid tension and discomfort.
Taking Breaks
While typing for long period, break is a must to regain the concentration.

Now these are some of the basics which is not a must criteria to be followed. Some of us may agree or disagree with the argument.

"Following the basics is not important, Gaining the skill is important"

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